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A welcoming community of imperfect, merciful, people-in-progress, who are implanted in the love of Jesus. We are grace-overwhelmed, downwardly mobile, servant-leaders making God's love known to people near and far!

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In-Person Service

10:00 a.m. 
DCA (English)


You may also join us here Live Streaming or Facebook Live or on YouTube.

Vision Espiritual (Spanish) 1:00 p.m.
In-Person & on Facebook Live


Prayer Meeting

In-Person  & Online Broadcast 7:00 p.m. 
Facebook Live  & YouTube


Vision Espiritual (Spanish) Midweek

In-Person & Online Service 7:00 p.m. 

SUNDAY MEETINGS - 3030 Sycamore Lane, Davis CA 95616

Mingle Time 9:30 AM
Celebration Service 10:00 AM

Spanish Language Service 1:00 PM

Deaf Service (ASL) 4:00 PM

Come worship God and listen to a message from His word. We usually have praise and worship time first, followed by a sermon. DCA welcomes everyone as they are! Casual to formal, it doesn't matter... it's more important that you show up than how you are dressed.

MID WEEK MEETINGS - 3030 Sycamore Lane, Davis CA 95616



Midweek Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM


Spanish Language Bible Study 7:00 PM


"Security" Youth Meeting 7:00 PM 

Spanish Language Service 7:00 PM

Mid-week nights are all about fellowship! Come join us for prayer, study and meet some people. We move beyond Sunday morning greetings and get to know each other, pray for one another, and discuss what is on your mind. This is a great time and place to come ask questions you might have about Scripture, or the latest sermon and get to delve in a little deeper into God's word.


Sunday, 10:00 AM

Children's Church is held at the same time as the adults. Sometimes sitting in the Sanctuary listening to Pastor speak can get boring or even cumbersome... Children's Church is a great opportunity for kids to learn about God in terms they can understand and appreciate. Because we believe in corporate praise and worship, children are dismissed after that time. However, if you would prefer your kids stay with you, they are more than welcome to stay in the Sanctuary during the sermon.

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U.C.Davis Campus

Social Sciences 1100



A 5-Fold Approach
We model our ministry after Acts 2:42-47
We reconcile students to Christ, equipping them through Spirit-filled communities of prayer, worship, fellowship, discipleship and mission to transform the university, the marketplace and the world.

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What We Believe

We see our church not simply as a house of worship with walls, a roof and open doors. Rather, we believe that the church is actually the members and believers that come together to practice God’s word, celebrate His love and extend His gifts.

Through the Bible, service, worship and missions, we bring God closer to our hearts and closer to the hearts of those around us. From traditional sermons to attending our faith-based community initiatives or events — everything we do is based off of our commitment to spread the teachings of our Lord.

The 16 Fundamental Truths:

  1. The Scriptures Inspired

  2. The One True God

  3. The Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ

  4. The Fall of Man

  5. The Salvation of Man

  6. The Ordinances of the Church

  7. The Baptism in the Holy Spirit

  8. The Initial Physical Evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit

  9. Sanctification

  10. The Church and Its Mission

  11. The Ministry

  12. Divine Healing

  13. The Blessed Hope

  14. The Millennial Reign of Christ

  15. The Final Judgment

  16. The New Heavens and the New Earth

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Campus: 3030 Sycamore Ln, Davis, CA 95616, USA

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 315 Davis, CA 95617, USA



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Teacher, Servant-Leader

Pastor Jonathan has been the Lead/Senior Pastor since 1991. His ministry is friendly, personable and encouraging. His teaching and preaching bring scriptural worldviews, principles and stories in a life applicable, humor laced, easy to understand mix that is memorable and transformative. His goal is a wholistic approach of understanding scripture, walking with and in the Holy Spirit and living life in the love of Jesus.

Planted in Jesus, the Vineyard.


- "Who is the Church?
- "We are! And a whole bunch more of us!"

"Loving Locally, Sending Globally"

Davis Christian Assembly is a welcoming community that supports individual growth and encourages everyone to experience the Truth, Love and Mercy of Jesus in every aspect of life.

We are a vibrant congregation dedicated to serving the spiritual, educational, and cultural needs of the surrounding community. Our Church is deeply rooted in holy words, and our doors are always open to community members who are looking for a place to worship. Contact us, or visit us to learn more about how to become a part of our congregation.

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Hope That Helps

Sabbath Means Rest

Letter from Bulletin 1-30-05

DCA Family,


It has been a very long and very wonderful week since I last wrote to you.  I have prayed this week that God would be close to each one of you and that you would have a great ability to distinguish His voice over every other sound in your heart.  Following the voice of the Lord brings us back to a place where things are quiet and peaceful for our spirit, a place where our whole being can rest. 


I’m remembering the scriptures that speak about rest in the Old and in the New Testament, a place where God longs to bring us.  The theme of Sabbath is introduced early in scripture and is a major theme throughout the whole of the Bible.  In Genesis God establishes the 7th day and invites humanity to enter it and keep it separate from the 6 days of work.  God wants us to rest.  In Exodus it is one of the 10 commandments.  In Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy it is better clarified by mentioning what it should not become.  God’s intent all along was to make the Sabbath day for the benefit of mankind and not mankind for the benefit of Sabbath. 


Jesus taught that making an effort for the benefit of another person’s healing, flowing in the virtue and the grace of God’s healing, is not work at all.  The Lord did work and does work on the Sabbath.  His work on our behalf is the work of rest.  When the Lord works in our hearts, when we allow Him access when we enter Sabbath, He then comes to give us rest.  Specifically, He settles our fear, our anxiety, our restlessness, our worry.  All these factors, when settled by the presence of Jesus, bring rest deep in our soul.


Because of the demands of this week, my body is tired.  I look forward to my day of rest.  But in this week when my schedule has been so demanding, I have found another rest.  I have heard his voice.  I have followed it to its source and I found Jesus.  And I received rest.  With His spoken word He settles our anxious heart.  With His spoken word He gives peace.  With His spoken word He heals the wounded heart.  Respond to His voice and He will give you rest.

~Pastor Jonathan

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Be Mine

Letter from Bulletin 2-8-2009

DCA Family,


Next Saturday is Valentine’s Day and today I am speaking about rendering to God what is God’s.  Valentine’s Day is about expressing love to the people that we love and especially to those that we consider “ours”.  I was always fascinated by the phrase “Be Mine” on Valentine’s candy.  For the longest time I could never figure out what that meant.  Is it a command, a request and with my dyslexic eyes I wasn’t sure if it had something to do with getting things out of the ground like diamonds or coal?


God says “Be Mine”.  It is a message that comes from God’s heart to us.  He loves us and He calls our devotion to be yielded and given to Him.  He requests and commands that we be His for our own good.  So many choose not to be His which is a decision He will honor.  But He knows that not to be His is to be destroyed.  He knows that if we go about our own way we have nothing but destruction waiting for us. 


The Pharisees tried to trick Jesus by bringing the Herodians, who were faithful to Herod the regional ruler, and asked Jesus a question that brought doubt upon His patriotism or allegiance.  The question he was posed tried to expose Jesus and was an attempt to see whose side He was on.  Did He support the empire or was He more a nationalist or did He prefer the regional ruler? Whose was He? 


Jesus answered by saying that we need to give ourselves to God.  We need to give to God what belongs to God.  Let Caesar have the taxes and let God have what is His namely, each one of us.  God calls out and says to you and to me today “Be Mine” and I would add to His Valentine message “Because you belong to me”.

~Pastor Jonathan

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Here to Glorify God

We see our church not simply as a house of worship with walls, a roof and open doors. Rather, we believe that the church is actually the members and believers that come together to practice God’s word, celebrate His love and extend His gifts.

Through the Bible, service, worship and missions, we bring God closer to our hearts and closer to the hearts of those around us. From traditional sermons to attending our faith-based community initiatives or events — everything we do is based off of our commitment to spread the teachings of our Lord.

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Welcome Home!

Welcome Home!

Alumni Campus Pastors

Alumni Campus Pastors

Foounding Pastors, Mel & Sharon Johnson

Foounding Pastors, Mel & Sharon Johnson

Once students, now each others

Once students, now each others

We are all about the kids!

We are all about the kids!

Our Christmas Sing-A-Long

Our Christmas Sing-A-Long

Alot to be thankful for!

Alot to be thankful for!

You are highly valued by God!

You are highly valued by God!

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C. S. Lewis

Wild Path
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